Posting of Workers Directive – current situation and challenges
As a specific form of temporary labour mobility, posting has been a prominent topic of public and political debate during previous decades; this is despite it still being a relatively small-scale phenomenon, in terms of both the numbers engaged in the activity and its overall employment share in general. Posting is often linked to broader issues, such as the labour market effects of EU enlargement and, here in particular, restrictions on the free movement of workers, unfair competition based on labour costs and ‘social dumping’, amongst others.
This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policy, upon request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. It provides an overview of the Posting of Workers Directive, focussing on the current situation and major patterns regarding the posting of workers in the EU. Attention is also paid to major problems and challenges and how these have been addressed by political and jurisdictive debates as well as by proposals to improve the regulatory framework of posting.
In light of the Commission proposal (published on 8 March 2016) to revise the Directive, the study aims to provide the EMPL Committee with an assessment of the proposal, having taken into account both the key challenges addressed, and the previous resolutions and requests made by the European Parliament.
Eckhard Voss et al.: Posting of workers directive – current situation and challenges, Strassburg 2016
Eckhard Voß
M.A. rer. pol.