Digitalisation and Workers Participation – What trade unions, company level workers representatives and online platform workers think
Since the beginning of 2017, wmp consult has supported the European Trade Union Confederation in its project „Workers Participation – A Key to Fair Digitization„. A key component of the project was on an online survey of ETUC member organizations, company employee representatives and employees working in the platform and app economy. Around 1,600 participants from more than 30 European countries took part in the survey.
The survey is by far the largest survey conducted so far with a view to trade union positions on digitalisation and the involvement of workers and trade unions in digital transformation processes at company level, within specific sectors or at national level in Europe. The evaluation report was presented at an ETUC conference in Brussels in September 2018 and can be downloaded at the ETUC website. It is available in English, French, Spanish, Polish and Italian and contains some quite surprising results.
Eckhard Voss and Hannah Riede: Digitalisation and Workers Participation: What trade unions, company level workers representatives and online platform workers in Europe think. Report to the ETUC, Brussels, September 2018.