Exploring the connections between EU- and national-level social dialogue
Integrating social partners from countries with underdeveloped structures and practices of bilateral social dialogue at sectoral level into European-levelsocial dialogue is a key challenge. In addition to measures that target the social partners themselves (training seminars, capacity building, knowledge transfer and strengthening expertise on EU topics andpolicies), a longer-term perspective that also fosters institution-building within sectoral social dialogue should be developed.
The study looks at the articulation and the complex multi-level links between European and national levels of social dialogue. It examines the factors that facilitate as well as those that hinder the successful engagement of national social partners and their ability to promote their own interests effectively.
Voss, Eckhard; Broughton, Andrea; Pulignano, Valeria; Franca, Valentina; Rodriguez Contreras, Ricardo: Exploring the connections between EU- and national-level social dialogue. Eurofound Research Report. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018.
Eckhard Voß
M.A. rer. pol.