Safeguarding and strengthening workers‘ information, consultation and participation in the EU
This study provides an overview of the current state of workers’ information, consultation and (board-level) participation in the European Union which are a key element of the Social Model as enshrined in the EU Treaties and a comprehensive body of secondary law.
Besides analysing the current state of play regarding legislation and practice of workers information, consultation and participation, the report includes case studies on those countries that hold the Council Presidencies between 2020 and 2022 (Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia). Both from the top-down as well as bottom-up perspective, the current state of workers’ voice and involvement in corporate decision-making is far from fit-for-purpose as regards core functions and tasks and recent EU company law reforms are likely to worsen the situation even further.
Therefore, the legal framework is insufficient in relation to mastering the challenges that are related to the digital and green transition processes and the change towards more sustainable and resilient economies, labour markets and societies.
Based on research evidence as well as concrete cases that illustrate the added value of democracy at work for workers and the business, the study presents concrete proposals and recommendations for a strengthened EU legal framework.
Eckhard Voß
M.A. rer. pol.