Social Conditions in Logistics in Europe: Focus on Road Transport
The study sheds a light of the highly problematic situation of social and working conditions of professional drivers in international road freight transport.
With view on the situation in seven EU Member States, the study, for the first time, provides a complete overview of individual working conditions, company and collective bargaining practices.
“We wanted to get sound and scientific knowledge about the conditions in the logistics industry in Germany and its neighbouring states. Together with our co-applicants (ETF – European Transport Workers Federation, Brussels and the EVA Academy, Berlin) and the other project partners (Union 3F, Denmark, BTB-ABVV, Belgium and ACV-Transcom, Belgium) and the scientific institute wmp Consult, Hamburg, we have found a perfect match to successfully carry out the project.”
Eckhard Voß
M.A. rer. pol.