European Works Councils exist in around 1,000 larger companies in Europe and the only genuinely transnational body of workers information and consultation. EWCs are also a kaleidoscope of global and European challenges.

wmp consult has carried out several larger research studies on EWC developments and the functioning of transnational social dialogue, HR and workers information and consultation. We have also been engaged in providing consultancy and training for the capacity building and professionalisation of EWCs. One of our key strengths is inter-cultural competence and the believe that diversity is a strength and not a weakness!        

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Safeguarding and strengthening workers‘ information, consultation and participation in the EU

On behalf of the European Economic and Social Council, wmp in cooperation with Prof. Pulignano at the University of Leuven has elaborated an overview of the current situation of information, consultation and participation of workers.


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